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“The best kept secret of Cuero, Texas”
In many ways, the story of the DeWitt County Producers Association is the story of local co-ops everywhere. The farmers and ranchers who created the Dewit Co-op felt that banding together would help them escape the process of purchasing farm supplies in a retail market while selling farm products in a wholesale market.
The first board meeting was held on March 4, 1948. J.S. McCurdy, S.C. Parker, Emil Wild, J. Carter Thomas, Carl Weber, Bonnie Buenger, Harold N. (Fritz) Lane, Oscar Meyer, and Paul Sager were the nine men serving as its first board of directors.
After a long search for a location, the Board decided to rent space in a feed store for $100 a month, which included use of the feed mixer and the vacant lot behind the store.
On July 15, 1948 the Co-op feed store opened. In its early months, the DeWitt County Producers Association explored many business ventures and services. Some ideas were merely discussed: marketing flax and pecans, leasing a truck to haul milk to Houston , and merging with the Turkey Association. Other ideas, such as egg marketing, were put into action but were discontinued when they proved unprofitable.
We added the feed mill, complete with the hammer mill molasses mixer in 1949. To better serve our members, we added a fertilizer blend plant in 1980.
The DeWitt County Producers remain a fixture of the agriculture community here. A 14,000-square-foot building was erected in 1989, at 401 W. Church Street. It includes offices, a display and sales area, a storage area, and a board room.
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