MARCH 2025 Newsletter
In Our Store
- We decided on a date with Augie and his family for his retirement party. This event will be held at the store and is open to all customers. Come by and thank Augie for his 28 years of service. We will have hamburgers, drinks, and cake in celebration. The event will take place on Monday, March 17, 2025 at the store from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM. MAKE SURE AND WEAR GREEN!! It is St. Patrick’s Day!!
We have an active month in the store. Please plan to stop in and take advantage of some great deals!!
- Purina Mineral Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. During this meeting Nutrition Specialist will be present to discuss best practices on feeding mineral and what advantages are gained through a consistent and proven mineral program. If you are interested in attending this event, please call the store and get on our RSVP list or call Emily Iselt directly at (361) 243-6126. You must RSVP for this event, seating is limited.
- Purina Chick Days will be held in the store from Thursday, March 13, 2025 through Saturday, March 15, 2025. During these days stop in to take advantage of sales on the most popular chicken feeds along with discounts on Chickens, Chicken Supplies, and even Chicken Feed. Pay attention to flyers in the store for what all is included. During this time also plan on meeting Emily Iselt our Purina Livestock Specialist, and make sure and come with all your questions for her. She will be happy to answer them!
- If you are one of those who have chickens, we have a new product in our store for you. We started carrying Safeguard AquaSol Chicken Wormer. This new product is designed to be placed in the chicken’s water source and is good for all stages of growth. We have it available for $30.60/Each.
- We are in the heart of Stock Show Season. If you catch yourself washing your animals daily or more than you would like, consider buying some Pyranha Rub & Scrub Grooming Gloves. These are great for cattle, pigs, horses, and many other species. At $22.30/Each, they are even great for your furry dog and cat companions at home. Stop in and grab you a pair!
- Starting in March we will go on a new contract with Purina for our 20% Cubes. Our old contract ran out in Mid-February. We will get back on a new contract mid-summer for the remainder of our popular feeds.
- If you missed seeing it in last month’s newsletter, please look again at the DeWitt County Soil & Water Conservation District CEU Event. It will be held at the DeWitt County Veterans Center in Yorktown, TX. This CEU event is $30.00 and provides 6 CEU hours and certification in general information, laws and regulations, and integrated pest management. A steak lunch is also included at the event. Please RSVP or register to Velinda Geffert 361-935-6848 or email [email protected]
In the Yard
It is time to get active in our yards. Here are a few things to get you started.
- 28-0-4 Yard Fertilizer = $28.35/42LB Bag
- 25-0-4 Weed & Feed Yard Fertilizer = $34.65/39LB Bag
- 21-7-14 American Plant Food Yard Fertilizer = $25.05/40LB Bag
- We will have our annual sale of Pine Bark Mulch this month for $5.00/Bag until our current supply is gone. Come and get them!
In the Pasture
- We have updated our spray cost for the start of the season. These prices can fluctuate based on supply and demand. Please see below.
- 16 oz Duracor = $22.72/Acre (Includes Application & Surfactant)
- 20 oz Grazon PD3 = $19.01/Acre (Includes Application and Surfactant)
- 24 oz Grazon Next = $21.43/Acre (Includes Application & Surfactant)
- 1-quart Grazon P+D = $19.39/Acre (Includes Application & Surfactant)
- 1 quart 2-4-D = $14.54/Acre (Includes Application & Surfactant)
- We have updated our fertilizer cost for the start of the season. These prices can fluctuate based on supply and demand. Call the store if you need pricing on blends and special mixes. Please see below.
- 21-0-0 Dry Fertilizer = $580.00/Ton
- 46-0-0 Dry Fertilizer = $598.00/Ton
- 32-0-0 Liquid Fertilizer = $419.00/Ton
- I mentioned last month about getting Roundup on Hay Fields, Thistles Spraying, and Wolf Weeds Spraying. The freeze in the last few weeks may have extended that window a little. Take and look and let us know if you need help making that best judgement call.
- It was mentioned last month that there are options available for the arial application of herbicides. We have partnered with a company who sprays with a drone, airplane, or helicopter. If you have an interest in spraying items that are too tall for our trucks or we cannot get to, please let us know.
- Now is a great time to start thinking about Spring Grass Seeds. If you are looking for some long-term grass, consider Bermuda Grass, Klein Grass, or Bluestem Grasses. If you are looking for something short term consider Sweet Graze Seed or Sorghum Alumn while we have some available.
In the Animal Pen
- We have a variety of chicken feeds on sale this month to pair with our Purina Chick Days. We will take off $1.00/Bag on our 25LB Scratch Grains and 25LB Start and Grow. We will take off $2.00/Bag on our 50LB Scratch Grains, 50LB Start and Grow, 50LB Layena Pellets, and 50LB Layena Crumbles.
In the Great Outdoors
Now is the time to start thinking about Spring Food Plots. If you are looking to supplement your deer or attract migratory birds, give us a call to see what we have available.
What is Coming up in our Area?
-March 7, 2025 – 5:00 PM – Cuero Livestock Show Auction – Friar AG Center (Cuero, TX) = Evening begins with a social provided by Cuero Young Farmers.
-March 16, 2025 – Lindenau Rifle Club Annual Chicken BBQ = Lindenau, TX = 11am – 1 pm. Presale Tickets Only $15.00/Each. Includes 1/2 BBQ Chicken, German Potatoes, Stuffed Cabbage, Pinto Beans. DRIVE THRU TO GO PLATES ONLY. Tickets can be purchased at Security Storage at 115 E. S. Railroad Street from 8:00 AM-12:00 Noon, at the DeWitt County Co-op, and at Anders Auto, or from any Lindeneau Rifle Club Member.
-March 18, 2025 -7:30 AM – DeWitt County Soil & Water Conservation District –CEU Event – DeWitt County Veterans Center =Yorktown, TX = This CEU event is $30.00 and provides 6 CEU hours and certification in general information, laws and regulations, and integrated pest management. A steak lunch is also included at the event. Please RSVP or register to Velinda Geffert 361-935-6848 or email [email protected]
Manager’s Words
We are excited and ready for the active month ahead. We know that spray season is right around the corner and our guys are itching to help you meet your pasture needs. With each season, challenges always seem to present themselves. This past year we added and upgraded some of our fertilizer trucks. With this change, we are looking to add some additional drivers. If you or someone you know may be interested in driving one of our trucks, please let me know. We do not require a CDL, but it is recommended. If you are wondering where to begin on getting your pasture in good shape, please let us know and we will come give you some advice.
Thank you for your business,
Willis Braden
[email protected]